What Typically Breaks on An AC Unit?

It’s mid-summer, and you’re sweating in your home. You turn on the AC unit to cool off, but instead of that refreshing blast of cold air, you get an error indicating that your AC unit isn’t working. It’s frustrating, but it happens to everyone—especially if you’ve had your AC unit for years. There are a…

Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Condensation?

Is Your Air Conditioner Leaking? You might wonder why your air conditioner is leaking water and what you can do to fix it. Water leaking from your air conditioner into your home is typically caused by a clogged condensate drain tube. This water backs up into your property if the drain line becomes blocked with…

Is Air Conditioning Maintenance a Rip Off?

It isn’t a pleasant feeling when you’re unsure if the service you’ve hired is genuine. Have you ever visited a car repair shop and felt they are upselling on services you don’t require? The same thing can happen in the case of air conditioning maintenance. You count on HVAC contractors to solve the problem when…

Is it Cheaper to Run Your AC All the Time?

Air conditioners are essential, majorly in regions with severe warm weather. They help to keep the temperature pleasant and maintain the humidity levels inside your home. It is a common practice to turn the ac off when we don’t need it or when stepping out of the house. However, you must have noticed its immediate…

How Often Should You Change Air Filters?

Have you ever wondered how often you should change air filters in your HVAC system? If so, you’re not alone. Even the most well-informed homeowners sometimes have questions about things like this. After all, there are so many different types of filters out there! Well, worry no more—we’ve got answers for you. Normally You Should…

AC Checkup is Needed After Hurricane

We all know that a hurricane can be one of the most devastating experiences in life. We have all heard stories about people who have lost everything after a storm. The impacts of Hurricanes are numerous and far-reaching. A lot can go wrong. That is why it is important to get your AC checked out…

Do I Need Surge Protection on My AC Unit?

Nowadays, global warming is causing many countries to experience the worst hot weather they have ever had. Temperatures have risen beyond any people have ever experienced, leading to a severe need to upgrade infrastructure and electronics, such as getting air conditioners installed for specific parts of the house despite centrally regulated cooling. However, due to…

Why Is My AC Not Cooling?

According to statistics published on the Government Energy Forum, over one-third of all the houses in the US have air conditioners. It is safe to say that most people who live in the hotter regions are bound to have one and hardly have a choice around it. However, an AC is a piece of electrical…

7 Reasons to Consider Air Duct Cleaning Your HVAC

Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning Believe it or not, the HVAC unit’s air duct plays an important role in regulating the quality of the air you breathe in your home. In addition, the air quality is responsible for regulating the temperature of every room in the house and maintaining comfort regardless of the season. It…

How Do You Know If You Have a Refrigerant Leak?

Refrigerant Leaks Everybody likes to step outside when it’s nice, warm, and sunny. However, nobody likes the heat creeping into our homes. Without proper regulation of the temperature indoors, it can become quite uncomfortable and concerning. That’s why it is vital to assess your AC’s performance once the summer season has settled in. Perhaps you…