What is a SEER rating?
If you’re looking to buy an air conditioning unit, you’ve probably noticed that there are two different kinds of ratings on the box: an EER rating and a SEER rating. What’s the difference between these numbers? And why does it matter?
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It’s a measure of the cooling efficiency of an air conditioner, measured in Btu per watt hour. The higher this number, the more efficient your AC unit is at using energy to cool down your home.
How Does a SEER Rating Work?
There’s a lot of information on the internet about what a SEER rating is and how it works. But sometimes, you just want to know how to find the SEER rating of an AC unit.
So how does a SEER rating work?
It’s actually pretty simple: the higher your AC unit’s SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) number, the better its energy efficiency. For example, a 1-ton HVAC system with an 8-SEER rating can cool about twice as much space as one with 5-SEER—and use less electricity in doing so!
What is a Good SEER Rating?
A rating of 14 or higher is considered a good SEER rating, and a rating of 15 or higher is considered an excellent SEER rating. A poor rating is anything below 15.
How Are SEER Ratings Calculated?
A SEER rating is a function of how efficient the compressor is at converting energy. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient your unit will be. This means that if you have 2 units with different SEER ratings, and they are both running on full power all day long, then the unit with the higher SEER rating will use less electricity than the one with a lower SEER rating.
But there’s more to it than just that: The type of compressor also plays an important role in determining efficiency. If you have two identical units with different compressors (one that uses R-410A refrigerant and one that uses R-22), then it should be obvious which one will use less energy when running full blast for hours on end!
The choice between using R-22 or R-410A is sometimes purely technical; other times, it may be due to availability issues (e.g., if only one supplier has what we need). In order to decide whether or not your unit should be set up for either refrigerant type, contact us today!
Why Is SEER Rating on AC Unit Important?
The higher your rating, the more energy efficient your air conditioner will be — which means lower electric bills and less greenhouse gas emissions from nonrenewable resources like coal-fired power plants (which produce around 30 percent of our electricity). It also means less strain on our power grid when everyone turns on their AC at once
Where Can I Get the Best AC for the Price?
AC units are typically large purchases, but they can also last a long time. If you live in an area where the temperature stays above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, then getting a quality AC unit is important. When it comes to finding the best deal on your next AC unit, try these tips:
- Search online for deals and coupons. Many retailers offer discounts or special offers that come with certain models or brands of air conditioners. You can usually find these by searching Google for keywords like “best air conditioner brand” or “best ac unit price.”
- Look for a reputable manufacturer of refrigeration products. There are many different companies out there that manufacture air conditioning systems, so check reviews before purchasing from someone who does not have positive testimonials from consumers who have used their product before buying one yourself!
- Ask friends and family members if they know anyone who has recently purchased an Air Conditioner Unit (A/C). If they do not know anyone personally, then ask them if they would consider buying something like this again in the future (because of having knowledge about what works well).
In conclusion, SEER ratings are a great way to compare different air conditioning units and find the best one for your home. If you want more information on how SEER ratings work or what makes them important, check out our other blog posts about AC units!