Air Handler Troubleshooting
An air handler is connected to your HVAC system and is responsible for blowing conditioned air throughout your home. If the AC handler gets broken, it can become an immense pain. That’s why it’s important to know what signs you should be on the lookout for to understand whether repair is due or not. Here are the top 5 signs that tell you whether you have a broken air conditioner or not.

Broken Fan
The fan or the blower is one of the main components of your AC handler. It’s responsible for blowing air throughout your home. If the fan starts making noises or completely stops working, that’s a significant sign that you have a broken HVAC handler. A broken fan equals a broken Air Conditioner handler.
Condensate Pan Leaks
If the pan below your air conditioning handler has accumulated condensation in it, then that’s a sign that your air handler is in dire need of repairs. The moisture can give a home to bacterial growth, which can cause health issues. Moreover, bugs and pests can clog the line, which causes choking. This results in an overflow which ultimately leads to water damage.
Irregular Cleaning of AC Blowers
If you don’t clean your filters every month, it can reduce the efficiency of the AC blowers. You must clean the filters every month so that the airflow is maintained.
Contaminated Blowers
The blowers require seasonal maintenance to avoid the growth of mold and mildew. It can compromise the quality of air that’s circulated within your home. Make sure that you always get your blowers cleaned.
Blower Motor Failure
Blower motor failure is one of the main reasons why your air handler stops working. This is a problem that you can’t fix at home. You’d need to call a repair company to do the job.
Maintenance and Repair
A broken AC handler can do you no good, and air handler repairs are costly. That’s why it’s essential to get regular maintenance done so that your HVAC handler stays in top shape at all times. Some of the maintenance that your air handler requires is simple enough for you to do at home. You don’t need to ask for a repair company to come in. However, when there’s a problem that you can’t find a solution for, even with regular maintenance like cleaning filters of your AC, it’s time to call for professional help. Air Repair is one place that you can rely on when it comes to AC handler repairs. You can get any problems related to your HVAC system fixed by giving them a call.